Anacondas 3D Adventure Game is based on the movie “Anacondas, The Hunt for Blood Orchid” and its characters. In this game you will be guiding a group of scientists who have embarked on an expedition to Borneo to find and collect a very rare flower that only lives for 10 days - the legendary Blood Orchid. But the adventure begins with a disaster: your ship sinks after falling down a waterfall. All the crew survives the accident, but they will now have to face many dangerous creatures, like crocodiles, snakes... and even humans, trying to fulfill their mission and find the flower. There is a pharmaceutical company that is performing some experiments in the same area. Those experiments have gone out of control, so they say there is a danger of biohazard, and they will do anything to keep your crew far from the area.
In Anacondas 3D Adventure Game you will be alternatively controlling each member of the crew, using their different abilities. While you are controlling a member, the others will be controlled by the computer. You can walk around, use weapons and communicate with your headquarters. You can save your progress to resume the game later, until you complete your mission.